March 3, 2025: People of the World: Beware of Islam; it is the human religious worship of the Archangel Lucifer, a.k.a. the Great Dragon, the Ancient Serpent, likewise the Devil or Satan; who is the deceiver of the whole spiritually blinded world. This spiritual being, along with all Islamic followers will eventually be cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire; separated from the True and Living GOD Almighty for the duration of Eternity… A Cordial, Humble and Respectful Greetings to Everyone; with a very important message to the Honorable President of the United States of America; the Vice President; the Cabinet Members; the United States Congress; the Governors of the 50 States, along with the many State Legislatures; the Mayors; the People of the United States; the Citizens of Israel; the Ambassadors of the United Nations; including the Leaders of all the Nations of the World and the vast billions of People and yes, including the followers of the detestable Islamic religion, alongside the masses of people in the abominable Roman Catholicism and in all false religions, who are trapped in ignorance; far and wide across this planet Earth. All people everywhere; in high and low positions, regardless of age, rank, social status of poverty or wealth; intelligence, influence and power over people, places and lands; prepare yourselves for the soon coming Great Tribulation Period; with a Comet hitting the Old World Landmass; with three Cosmic Lightning strikes; Great Earthquakes; Massive Volcanic Eruptions and Destructive Tsunamis on a Global Scale; the development of an Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East; composed of an original base of Ten Arab Nations; inclusive of various Islamic Factions and other Islamic countries, lasting for 3 ½ years; concluding with the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, resulting with the Establishment of the Millennial Reign.