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Dear Viewer, the time of the Age of Grace is very quickly coming to a close. Make better use of whatever time in your life you have left; especially in learning the Scriptures and preparing your life to enter into the Spiritual Universe!!!

Pages to help you understand the soon coming: Great Tribulation Period.


The “Time of Your Life” is slipping away; don’t get “Caught in a Snare” before the “Second Coming” of the “Son of Man” and all of a sudden, your body fades away; as it returns to the elements of the earth; then you pass through the “Gate of Eternity”…; into the:  “Dark Universe” PDF.

I would encourage you to listen to some of these Sermons and read the Bible Studies on this website; including for certain: the Bible itself; along with truthful Bible Study books, while you still have time in your life. You should quickly cut out a lot of the nonsense distractions; that consume the time in your life; because the “Age of Grace” is about to End! Make certain; if at all possible, you are part of a Scriptural “Local” New Testament Assembly; before you depart this life and have to appear before the Judgment Seat of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
